Booking Your Dog Family Photoshoot
James Ketola James Ketola

Booking Your Dog Family Photoshoot

My toxic trait is that when I see someone with a dog, I immediately ask if it’s okay for me to meet them. The second thing I ask is their name. These seem like basic questions, but their response tells me everything I need to know. Thankfully, in Arlington or Alexandria, there are so many people who respond with enthusiasm, they want to talk about their furry companion and the conversation starts flowing. For them, just like for me, their pets are their family. And what do families do? Well they get family photos of course! That’s where I come in.

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Why Your Pet Deserves a Pet Photography Specialist
James Ketola James Ketola

Why Your Pet Deserves a Pet Photography Specialist

There are two subjects that any photographer will want to avoid if they know what’s good for them: animals and children. This piece of conventional wisdom stems fromt he fact that both subjects often have a mind of the own and in many cases, they don’t really speak the same language as you.

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