Booking Your Dog Family Photoshoot
My toxic trait is that when I see someone with a dog, I immediately ask if it’s okay for me to meet them. The second thing I ask is their name. These seem like basic questions, but their response tells me everything I need to know. Thankfully, in Arlington or Alexandria, there are so many people who respond with enthusiasm, they want to talk about their furry companion and the conversation starts flowing. For them, just like for me, their pets are their family. And what do families do? Well they get family photos of course! That’s where I come in.
After working with thousands of animals at shelters and rescues, I’ve learned how to build trust quickly with our canine, feline, and leporine companions. This trust is crucial to capturing their essence. Sure the fancy camera and lens helps, but much like our tiny humans, if they are not into it, the sharp photos only make it more obvious. This is why I build in extra time for my sessions. I want to meet everyone, I want to learn about what brings them joy, and help them relax. The more people, the more time.
If you have an important meeting with the executives that could make or break your career, what do you do to alleviate the stress? If you’re like me, you show up early- sometimes bordering on absurdity. You account for traffic, parking, feeling a little sluggish, you probably don’t snooze your alarm that day but you probably build in a little time to do that, and probably you set out your clothes, breakfast, and whatever other stuff you might need the night before. This alleviates time from the stress equation, and if you’re an hour early, hopefully you remembered something to keep your mind engaged while you wait for the boss who will probably be running late- just your luck, right? Maybe that’s just me.
By building in extra time to the session, I hope I can do the same stress relief for you. We do not rush at the session, but we will be efficient. I’ve worked with every type of animal you can imagine: goats, guinea pigs, calfs, pigs, rabbits, in addition to every kind of dog, and tons of cats- several of which have formed gangs in my own home. I promise, their behavior is perfectly fine with me- if they’re excited, great! If they’re nervous? That’s okay, we have time and I have treats. If they’re jumpy? I promise, I can handle it. If they’re mouthy? That’s fine, so are my cats! Your family is beautiful how they are, and that’s how I want to capture them!
Families come in all shapes and sizes, but the thing they all have in common is that they are beautiful and should be professionally and lovingly photographed. Ready to learn more? Schedule your free consultation and lets make some art, together!